1). Jeans: These are going to be your new best friend. They are Gap straight leg jeans. They have that same rocker look, but they don't make you look like Howard Wallowitz from The Big Bang Theory. Trust me guys, skinny jeans do nothing for you. If you have skinny legs already they only make them look skinnier, and if you don't have skinny legs they make you look heavier than you are. Also, they truncate your legs and make you look shorter. Now, is that what you want? Straight leg jeans will flatter your legs but still have that narrow look.
2). The Rest: Since this post is really a diatribe against skinny jeans, the rest of this outfit is up to you. I threw together a graphic t-shirt that has a vintage-y feel and this black faux leather jacket. They are all from target and totally affordable. Guys have it easy, you can throw on jeans and a t-shirt and look like a rock star. These sunglasses also give you a rocker edge without being too trendy or over the top. The shoes and belt that are with the jeans are great for this look too and really bring the look together. However, you could totally rock Vans, Converse, or boots with this look too.
So, do you think you can let go of the skinny jeans? Maybe at least try it? I promise you that you will look better... also, they really can't be that comfortable right? So, will any of you take me up on this and test what I've said? If you do let me know and you might just get featured on here!
This is such a sexy outfit! The jacket really makes it hot.