Monday, December 26, 2011

New Years Eve

Does dressing for New Years Eve parties stress any of you out? Never fear, I'm here to ease that stress. Unless you are going to a super formal party (we're talking tuxedos required here), I've got a great look for you that is easy and darn good looking. This post will be short and sweet. Consider it my holiday gift to you. Here we go,

New Years Eve

1). Once again, dark jeans are your dressy/casual best friend. They can be your everyday casual jeans, but if you pair them with a dress shirt, belt, tie, and some great nice shoes, you've got a great evening out/party look. I put these jeans with a light blue classic dress shirt, but you could really pick any color you wanted to. Remember, your jeans need to hit the right around the laces of your shoes when you are standing up.

2). Finishing off this outfit with the black leather jacket and these light grey oxfords that coordinate with the grey in the tie helps to give you an extra ounce of style. You could easily go with black shoes as well with this outfit if you aren't quite brave enough to wear grey shoes yet.  Just remember, shoes and belt need to match or coordinate. Brown shoes/brown belt, black shoes/black belt, grey shoes/brown or black belt depending on the color of the rest of your accent pieces.

Look easy enough? Hopefully I took away some of the anxiety of looking your absolute best for New Years Eve this year and many years to come. Happy New Year guys!

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